Greg's Sharpening Service
4691 Date Ave, Bonita, CA 91941
(619) 469-9019
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About Company: Specialties If it has an edge we can sharpen it!  We do so much more than just knives.  Scissors, toe nail clippers, garden tools, and more! History Established in 1981. If it's dull, it's dangerous" and "Don't buy new, let us re-do." O'Neil swears by both slogans.Knives--or anything with an edge, he says--need care just like any other tool. If a knife, scissors, the blades on a lawnmower or garden loppers aren't sharp, the users will have to exert more force, which can lead to injuries and damaged tools. And, he figures, he has the know-how to make anything look and work like new again. Meet the Business Owner Greg O. Business Owner Greg O'Neil spent 20 years in the Navy--"20 years and nine days," he'll tell you--and never spent a moment thinking about what life would be like when he took off his uniform for the last timeAs a boatswain's mate, he loved sea duty (all 14 years of it), the hands-on work, the duties and responsibility."I never thought of it," he says. "I thought I'd be in the Navy until I could retire. That didn't work out."O'Neil's career came to an abrupt end when something called a Yokohama fender--a 2,500- to 3,000-pound floating tube used to keep a tender and submarine from bumping up against one another during service--fell on him."It crushed most of me," he says.Broken bones, severe back injuries and nerve damage led to multiple surgeries. Just like that, his days in uniform were over.Now, more than 20 years later, he can look back and know he's made a good life for himself. No accident could crush his spirit.
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